Here are our past events you can still watch!

Click on “Watch Replay” to use Debit/Credit card.

If you would like to use PayPal please send your payment to for the English version.



* Please send us in the notes the email you want to register with and the breed to watch.
* Please use the Friends and Family option, thank you.

Estos son nuestros eventos anteriores!

Click en “Watch Replay” para usar tarjeta de Débito/Crédito.

Si quieres usar PayPal por favor manda tu pago a para la versión en Español.



* Por favor escribe en las notas el email que usaras para el registro y raza que quieres ver.
*Por favor usa la opción de amigos y familia, gracias.

If you have any questions, feel free to get in touch with us